It’s natural for founder-operated brands to lose a little of their mojo over time. They’re pushed and pulled in all sorts of different directions over the course of their lifespans, as opportunities emerge and progress tempts with exciting new paths to pursue.
It can be awfully hard to say no. However saying ‘yes’ based only on the anticipated business effect with little or no consideration for how well it aligns with the brand will eventually erode brand focus and meaning.
Of course, nobody knows how far things have really gone astray better than the person – or people – that actually started the company. For them, what started out as a pure and focused idea propelled with passion and instinct has slowly mutated into something complicated, awkward and unfamiliar. They know in their bones that things aren’t right, but lack the detachment required to put their finger on the what, why and where.
We’ve identified a cast of symptoms that are strong indicators of a brand gone astray. See if any of them ring a bell with you.
Everything is micromanaged – uncertainty and a lack of clearly communicated ideals leads to lots of second guessing that can smother new ideas and initiatives
Employees are apathetic – it’s not that they don’t care, it’s just that they’re not entirely sure what they’re supposed to be caring about
Unfocused marketing – advertising messaging is generic and unremarkable because it is not being held accountable to what your brand stands for
Inconsistent customer experience – without clear guidelines for creating a meaningful – and repeatable – brand experience, it’s a hit-and-miss
Introducing Maker’s Mark
Our exciting new brand transformation process –Maker’s Mark – is specifically designed to address the above issues once and for all to get brands back on track and reoriented for success. It reconnects the brand with its origins, and then provides a clear roadmap for harmonizing the branding with the marketing and customer experience.
The result is more potent marketing, an enriched customer experience and inspired employees.
If you’d like to see if Maker’s Mark is right for your organization, we invite you to arrange a 15 minute virtual call. We’ll learn more about you, you’ll learn more about us, and the worst that can happen is that we each come away a little smarter than we were going in.
In the meantime, stay safe, and be human.
Contact Nick to learn more about this unique program and how it can revitalize both your business and your brand.