Image for “This evolution will be humanized”

This evolution will be humanized

This evolution will be humanized.

There is nothing not to like about this evolution:

nothing to pin, post, click, close, retweet, share or block,

because this evolution will be humanized.

People are more than points of data,

parts of a chart or pieces of pie

broadcast in complimentary colours

on a PowerPoint slide.

They’re not money in the bank,

ever truly converted,

continually consuming or willing to submit,

and getting in their face

does not buy you a place

in their hearts or their minds.

This evolution will be humanized.

There are no hacks for true devotion,

because loyalty costs more

than a points card or a pay cheque.

What sticks instead

is the emotional momentum

that comes from pleasing the people that matter,


because what you say

is meaning less and less

by the minute.

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Welcome to the evolution.

Those of you familiar with the source of inspiration for this poem (The Revolution Will Not be Televised, by Gil Scot-Heron – 1970) may be tempted to put some bongos to this. I wrote this one night while working on ideas for Human, and must admit I feel even stronger about these words today than I did when I wrote them. I think that says something.